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Racionalidades Pedagógicas que Fundamentam a Licenciatura em Educação do Campo - (2024)

Acessos: 29

Raimunda Alves Melo, Antonia Dalva França-Carvalho

Volume: 4 - Issue: 1

Resumo. RESUMO: O estudo em referência decorre de pesquisa de doutorado, desenvolvida junto ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), a qual analisa as mudanças da prática educativa de professores que trabalham em escolas do campo após a participação no Curso Licenciatura em Educação do Campo (LEdoC). O recorte apresentado objetiva discutir as diferentes racionalidades pedagógicas que orientam os processos formativos do curso de Licenciatura em Educação do Campo da Universidade Federal do Piauí, Campus de Teresina. As discussões que embasam as referidas etapas, encontram-se apoiadas em teóricos, como: Contreras (2012), Formosinho (2009), Freire (2013; 2014), Molina; Hage (2015), Pérez Gómez (2000), Pimenta; Lima (2012), entre outros. Na produção dos dados, empregou-se a análise documental, proposta por Richardson (2012). Os resultados apontam que diferentes perspectivas fundamentam a formação e prática educativa de professores, evidenciando a complexidade do ser professor e a necessidade de que esse profissional adquira/desenvolva um leque de conhecimentos e saberes necessários ao exercício de sua profissão, assegurando a efetividade e qualidade social da ação educativa. Palavras-chave: Formação de professores. Racionalidade pedagógica. Prática docente. ABSTRACT: This study is based on a PhD research developed by the Postgraduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), which analyzes the changes in the educational practice of teachers working in rural schools after attending the course Degree in Field Education (LEdoC). The clipping presented aims to discuss the different pedagogical rationalities that guide the formative processes of the Undergraduate Course in Field Education at the Federal University of Piauí, Teresina Campus. The discussions that support these stages are supported by theorists such as: Contreras (2012), Formosinho (2009), Freire (2013; 2014), Molina; Hage (2015), Pérez Gómez (2000), Pimenta; Lima (2012), among others. In the production of the data, we used the documentary analysis, proposed by Richardson (2012). The results point out that different perspectives base the formation and educational practice of teachers, evidencing the complexity of being a teacher and the need for this professional to acquire / develop a range of knowledge and knowledge necessary for the exercise of their profession, ensuring the effectiveness and social quality of educational action. Thus, the challenge is not only for the Degree in Field Education, but also for all policies of teacher training, is to develop training processes that provide mastery of the knowledge of the area that teaches and the methodology to teach, ensuring that the formation is based on principles such as reflection and criticality, so that the educator reflects and becomes aware that his responsibility is with the student and the community in which he is inserted. Keywords: Teacher education. Pedagogical Rationale. Teaching practice. Training. Rationality. Politics.

Idioma: Portuguese

Registro: 2024-08-17 14:40:12
