Effect of NaCl replacement on physicochemical and sensory properties of the traditional cured coppa - (2024)

Acessos: 64

Jocasta Di Domenico, Alessandra Machado-Lunkes, Bruna Regina Pereira da Rocha, Naimara Vieira Prado, Cleusa Inês Weber, Luciano Lucchetta

Volume: 24 - Issue: 0

Resumo. This study aimed to reduce sodium content in pork coppa without affecting consumer acceptance. NaCl reduction, partial replacement with KCl, and reduction in salting process time were evaluated. Six treatments were performed: Standard - 100% NaCl with a 2-day salting process and a 5-day re-salting process; T1 - a mixture of 70% NaCl/30% KCl; T2, T3, T4 - mixtures of 85% NaCl/15% KCl; T5 - 100% NaCl. T1 to T5 applied a 2-day salting process and a 2-day re-salting process. All treatments complied with Brazilian sodium guidelines. No statistically significant difference in consumer acceptance was observed. A reduction of 4 days in salting and re-salting processes maintained sensory characteristics and reduced sodium content by 50%. Even with reduced salt content, no changes in physicochemical parameters or effects on product preservation and microbiological quality were observed. NaCl reduction and replacement up to 30% KCl did not affect coppa characteristics or acceptance.

Keywords: Coppa, Sodium reduction, NaCl, KCl, Acceptance

Idioma: English

Registro: 2025-01-02 22:36:48

