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Dietary habits and energy expenditure of students in Sciences Biological - (2009)

Acessos: 15

Nivaldo Moterle

Volume: 9 - Issue: 1-2

Resumo. The physical activity associated with good eating habits can promote healthy lifestyle, quality of life and well-being of individuals. The excess body fat can be avoided since there is a balance between the level of physical activity and daily energy consumption. The aim of this study was to investigate dietary habits and energy expenditure of students in Biological Sciences and Health area (ACBS), at UNOESC, in Joaçaba. It was used as a tool for data collection a questionnaire by itself, with socio-demographic, economic and dietary habits questions. Questions were used from IPAQ (International physical Activity Questionnaire) - version8, short form - to identify the level of physical activity. The sample comprised 345 individuals, with average of 22.1 years. The investigatedstudents had large intake of foods high in saturated fat and 74,8% were considered active academics. The study allowedus to know that academics from courses in the Health area of UNOESC in Joaçaba have a pattern of dietary habits that is notrecommended for a healthy life, with a high intake of saturated fats and sweets in general. However, they showed a recommendedcaloric expenditure and the great majority were considered physically active. The results suggest the need for association betweenphysical exercise practice and proper nutrition to improve the quality of life for the population.

Keywords: Physical activity, Energy expenditure, Dietary habits, Sedentary lifestyle.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:37