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Physicochemical and sensorial characterization of honey samples by africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) produced in pantanal - (2007)

Acessos: 15

Fabiano Cleber Bertoldi et al.

Volume: 7 - Issue: 1

Resumo. This research has as its objective to evaluate, by physicochemical and sensorial analysis, the quality of 17 samples from multifloral honey produced by africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera L.), in experimental scale between 2006 and 2007 in the Nhumirim farm, Experimental Unit of Embrapa Pantanal, located in a sub-area of Pantanal, called Nhecolandia. Most of the samples showed high quality standart according to the Brazilian legislation, manifesting being appropriated for the human consumption, this allow the honey production in commercial scale in the rural properties of the region. The most prominence results of the analyzed standarts is the low water content with stayed between 16,08% and 19,87%, with a medium value of 18,92%. The quantity of minerals found in the samples contributes to identify one product developed in a geographic clean area, with none heavy metals contamination. In the sensorial analyses, realized only with samples according to the Brazilian legislation, showed that 93,1% of the people who taste gave high grades (7 to 9 in the hedonic scale), revealing that most like the general impression of the this product. In relation of the taste attribute, was showed that 84,5% of the people who taste approved the honey with grades between 7 to 9. By the results obtained can be conclude that most of the honey samples analyzed in this job are adequated to the human consumption and with good approval by the consumer. In such case, is possible to foment the apiculture development with quality in Pantanal.

Keywords: Apis mellifera, Corumbá, Honey composition, Minerals.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:37