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Difficulties in practice of nursering auditoring in Santa Catarina state - (2011)

Acessos: 22

Janaína Samantha Martins de Souza et al.

Volume: 11 - Issue: 2

Resumo. Nursing auditorship is already a fundamental element for nursing quality management, but many times it becomes an obstacle for the relationship between auditors and who is audited. Due to it, the goal of this study was to emphasize the main difficulties that auditors have faced in this process. The searched population was constituted of 27 nurses who act in auditorship in the State of Santa Catarina. For the collection of data it was used a questionnaire with qualitative and quantitative questions, data was analyzed using the technique of collectivecitizen speech analysis and descriptive statistic, respectively. Concluding, the main obstacles to the auditorshipprocess lived deeply by the nurses auditors are: institution´s restrictions, doubts in relation to nurse’s autonomyto audit, oppositions of own colleagues in collaborating and limitations of own auditor regarding some aspectsof nursing and the audit process.

Keywords: Nursing Audit. Nurses. Hospital Administration

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:35
