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Perception of body image and health of graduate student in Physical Education of Unoesc Campus de Joaçaba, SC - (2010)

Acessos: 19

Leodiberto Ricardo Grigollo, Rudy José Nodari Júnior, Felipe Lange, Thiago Quioca

Volume: 10 - Issue: 1

Resumo. The overweight and underweight or concern with this factors may bring various problems of physical and mental health to individuals, reducing quality of life. This research aims to analyze the perception of body image and health of graduate student in Physical Education of Unoesc Campus Joaçaba. The sample consisted of 100 undergradutes of which were collected data on body image and health. The results showed that the students are mostly fat percentage right for health (78.00%). It can be concluded that most individuals (72%) were dissatisfied with their body image, from which 47% have the desire to reduce the size of the profile.

Keywords: Body composition, Body image, University.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:37