string(32) "7d5345a27d2ff7833e12dc08d18a063d" SciJoIn | Scientific Journal Index
Bloodstream infection caused by Klebsiella spp. (extended-spectrum ß-lactamase) a tertiary - (2012)

Acessos: 14

Adriana Araújo de Almeida et al.

Volume: 12 - Issue: 2

Resumo. This study aimed to verify the occurrence of bloodstream infections caused by Klebsiella spp. and evaluatethe production of extended spectrum ß-lactamases and the factors associated with bloodstream infectionsin patients admitted to the Hospital of the Federal University of Grande Dourados, Dourados/MS. It wasdeveloped through a retrospective analysis of medical records of patients admitted from January 2008to September 2009. We obtained 22 cases of bacteremia caused by Klebsiella spp. Extended spectrumß-lactamases were identified in 68.2% of the isolates. It was found that 91.0% of patients were admittedto the Intensive Care Unit, and 45.5% of the patients were infants under one year old. Among the casesof bacteremia 22.7% died. Invasive procedures such as phlebotomy, tracheostomy and surgery were thefactors most related to the occurrence of bloodstream infections by Klebsiella spp. With regard to bacterialresistance, 86.3% of Klebsiella isolates were resistant to more than 10 antibiotics. Imipenem was the mosteffective since 86.3% of the isolates were sensitive to this antibiotic. Klebsiella β-lactamase-producingextended-spectrum is an important pathogen causing bloodstream infection in patients admitted to ourhospital, especially those in the pediatric intensive care unit. The detection of multidrug-resistant bacteriain blood cultures and evaluation of their susceptibility profile provides important data for the streamliningof antimicrobial therapy, reduced mortality rates and aids in control of hospital infections.

Keywords: Cross infection, Klebsiella, Bacteremia.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:35
