string(32) "6091ace1b3be1e1dfb8f4dc0765f65ea" SciJoIn | Scientific Journal Index
Wine: a review of the chemical composition and health benefits - (2010)

Acessos: 17

Claudriana Locatelli, Vanderléia de Moraes

Volume: 10 - Issue: 1

Resumo. The presence of antioxidants in red wine has attracted increasing scientific interest in the evidence of its benefits to health. The study aimed to analyze the benefits of the chemical components of wine on human health. The study was qualitative nature by assessment scientific papers that analyze the relationship of the health benefits of wine consumption when used controlled way. Resveratrol is the main component of wine studied, being this way, the majority of publications associated with the health benefits of wine are related to resveratrol. If verified, based onthe articles analyzed, that the action of resveratrol is proven in cases of cardiovascular diseases, assists to decreaselevels of LDL-cholesterol and has anti-carcinogenic action by increased apoptosis and retention of cell multiplication,inhibiting the proliferation malignant epithelial cells of breast, prostate cancer cells and colon tumor. The studiesanalyzed and discussed still showed a reduced incidence of cardiovascular risks associated with drinking wine, thuspopularizing the French Paradox and encouraging research in this area.

Keywords: Composition of wine, Resveratrol, French Paradox, Wine and health.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:37