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Bioremoval of nitrogen and phosphorus from hydroponic wastewater by Chlorella vulgaris - (2007)

Acessos: 19

Fabiano Cleber Bertoldi

Volume: 7 - Issue: 2

Resumo. Chlorella vulgaris microalgae was evaluated according to nitrogen and phosphorus bioremoval when cultivated at 25±2 ºC with continuous light of 150 μmolm-2s-1 in hydroponic wastewater at three different concentrations: HW, pure hydroponic wastewater, HW50, wastewater diluted in deionizated water at 50% concentration and HW25, hydroponic wastewater diluted in deionizated water at 25% concentration. The cultures were evaluated according to ammonia, nitrate and nitrite parameters, obtaining the following average percentage of removal in HW, HW50 and HW25 respectively: ammonia (82,2; 82,4; 65,7%), nitrate (80,5; 81,4; 87,0%), nitrite (84,2; 83,6; 83,5%) and phosphorus (51,9; 46,0; 43,1%). The growing algal enlarges up to the end of the cycle, reaching cellular density of 5,7x106 cell.mL-1 in HW, 4,2 x106 in HW50 and 10,15x106 cell.mL-1 in HW25. The results showed that Chlorella vulgaris adaptation to a new source of nutrition was efficacious and nitrogen and phosphorus removal was effective.

Keywords: Effluent, Eutrophication, Hydroponic.

Idioma: English

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