string(32) "39295477d4711559e6a95bde1b932ad6" SciJoIn | Scientific Journal Index
Properties of commercial α-amylase and xylanase enzymes and its influence on the - (2009)

Acessos: 19

Natalia Branco Becker, César Milton Baratto, Jane Mary Lafayette Neves Gelinski

Volume: 9 - Issue: 1-2

Resumo. Bread is a healthy food, universal and everyday. It is a source of carbohydrates, protein, fiber and calcium and is therefore a food of easy digestion and immediate energy source. For the fabrication of form bread with organoleptic quality is necessary some care during manufacture, because many factors are involved for the final product has the quality desired by the consumer. The aim ofthis study was to analyze the action influence of commercial enzymes α-amylase (trade name LIFE SPRING B) and xylanase/ α-amylase (trade name SPRING 2002) on the characteristics of the dough and quality of the end baking. Was performed thecharacterization of enzymes present in commercial products and was developed six breads formulations with different enzymaticconcentrations for analysis. Breads were subjected to microbiological and the shelf life analysis, and for some formulations of thedough, were performed the rheological and gluten analysis. The results showed that the enzyme activities listed by the manufacturerof the products were presents, however, the xylanase activity in U / g was lower than that indicated. The microbiologicalquality was maintained with the addition of enzymatic preparations, and improved shelf life with the formulations containing theproduct SPRING 2002. The use of enzymes shown to be effective for improving the general characteristics of bread compared tostandard bread, and among the tested concentrations, the intermediate concentrations stood out (10g LIFE SPRING B productper 50 kg of wheat flour and 5 grams of SPRING 2002 for 50 kg wheat flour). Dough´s rheological analysis showed that someparameters were unsatisfactory, especially in the gluten formation, which is important for the bread structure and quality. Thus,despite its significant improvement with the use of these enzyme complexes, especially containing xylanase, the use of oxidizingagents would be interesting to promote even higher quality in baked goods.

Keywords: Food biotechnology, Enzymes in baking, hydrolytic enzymes.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:35
