string(32) "23602f58033e7ec0ee63a3f5176cc2f5" SciJoIn | Scientific Journal Index
Diabetics epidemiologic profile at Água Doce town, SC - (2010)

Acessos: 15

Emilia Teresa Trento Bortoloni, Graciell Fin, Rudy José Nodari Júnior, Vilma Beltrame

Volume: 10 - Issue: 2

Resumo. Epidemiologic study of cross section, aimed to identify the diabetics’ epidemiologic profile registered in Hiperdia Programm, of Água Doce town, Santa Catarina State. The data was collected through a questionnaire applied to 44 diabetics; the predominant age was around 60-69 years old (29.5%), followed by 70-79 years old (20.5%), 80 yearsold (15.9%), 50-59 years old (18.2%) and 40-49 years old (15.9%). Female gender was predominant with 56.8%(n=25) of the group. According to occupation, it was observed that 40.9% (n=18) was farmers, 27.3% (n=12) ishousewives, 9.1% (n=4) is pensioners and retired, 6.8% (n=3) works at general services, 4.5% (n=2) is servants,and 11.4% (n=5) works at another professions. The tobacco use is 13.6% of the sample. According to medicinetreatment, 61.4% (n=27) use metformina, 11.4% (n=5) use glibenclamida, 18.2% (n=8) use metformina andglibenclamida, 2.3% (n=1) use metformida and amaryl, and 6.8% (n=3) doesn’t use oral medicine. Insulin usewas reported by 25% (n=11) of the diabetics. Among the respondents, 70.5% (n=31) reported to do diet, and29.5% (n=13) reported they don’t do any food control..

Keywords: Health profile, Mellitus Diabetes, Family health

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:35
