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Growth and Xylose consumption of Candida guilliermondii in the submerse fermentation using sugarcane bagasse - (2007)

Acessos: 13

Mário César Jucoski Bier et al., Leila Teresinha Maranho, Jayme Augusto Menegassi Azevedo, Luiz Severo Da Silva Junior

Volume: 7 - Issue: 2

Resumo. The xylitol has been seen as a product with a great commercial value for the food and pharmaceutical industries as well the odontological sector for its notable characteristics like its sweet taste and prevention of caries, while is recommended to the obese and is tolerated by the diabetics. The xylitol may be obtained through chemical and biotechnological reactions. According to the literature the chemical production of xylitol involves an expensive and unproductive process in response to its purification. On the other hand the biotechnological has become an excellent alternative for its production, using submerse fermentative processes made by microorganisms. In the present research was studied the use of the biotechnological reaction, using the yeast Candida guilliermondii and sugarcane bagasse, a low cost agroindustrial residue used for xilose fermentation, as the substrate. Tests were made in duplicate and it was verified the fermentative capacity of three lineages of the C. guilliermondii at the times of 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. For the conversion of the xylana into xylose it was made an acid hydrolysis. Then it was used activated coal for the purification of the hydrolysate and supplementation of the fermentation medium with ammonium sulphate and rice bran. The fermentative process occurred in the shaker at 150rpm at 30ºC. This study intends to estimate through the yeast growth and the xylose consumption the best fermentative parameters to xylitol production. Among the lineages used the best one results were obtained by the LBP018, where it was obtained the highest biomass and faster xylose consumption..

Keywords: Xylitol, Fermentation, Biotech Process.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:37