Comparing two biological indexes using benthic macroinvertebrates: positive and negative aspects of water quality assessment - (2024)
Acessos: 46
Vinicius Moraes Rodrigues, Eliane Pintor de Arruda, André Cordeiro Alves dos Santos, Monica Jones Costa
Volume: 28 - Issue: 0
Abstract: Aim The aim of the present study, was to apply two biological indexes based on benthic macroinvertebrates (BMWP and ICB RES-P) using as model the Itupararanga Reservoir to know what the advantages and disadvantages of the application of each index in that environment. Methods The methodology consisted on three stages: 1) macroinvertebrates sampling and determination of limnological variables in situ, and sorting of the organisms in laboratory, 2) taxonomic identification of organisms and 3) determination of the saprobic degree for the collection sites and effectiveness of the application of the BMWP (Biological Monitoring Working Party score system) index and the Benthic Community Index created by CETESB (Environmental Sanitary Company of State of São Paulo) for deep regions (ICB RES-P index). Results The study was performed over two periods (spring/summer and autumn/winter), and 8,841 organisms were sampled and divided in 17 families. The Chaoboridae (genus Chaoborus), Chironomidae (subfamilies Chironominae and Tanypodinae) and Tubificidae families had the most abundant taxa. The saprobic degree of the Itupararanga reservoir region resulted in the general classification of the reservoir as β-α mesasaprobic (βms- αms), considered critical due to its organic charge content. The BMWP index was adapted to the sample points and the scores subsequently obtained ranked the reservoir as category V, representing very poor water quality. The ICB RES-P index classified the sample points in the spring/summer period as having regular water quality, and the autumn/winter period as having good water quality. Conclusions From previous findings, it can be concluded that further study and refinement of the components of both indexes are required in order to effectively assess the quality of water in reservoirs.
Keywords: biomonitoramento, macroinvertebrados bentônicos, índice BMWP, índice ICB RES-P, Reservatório de Itupararanga
Idioma: English
Registro: 2024-08-17 14:39:41