Bait efficiency to monitor mandi (Pimelodus maculatus) in the tailrace of hydropower dams, Southeast Brazil - (2021)
Acessos: 54
Alexandre Peressin, Rafael Couto Rosa Souza, Alexandre Lima Godinho
Volume: 33 - Issue: 0
Abstract: Aim This study compared the efficiency of two baits (earthworm and cow heart) for monitoring the abundance of mandi catfish (Pimelodus maculatus) in the tailrace of hydropower dams, one of the commonly killed fish in turbine procedures. Methods Sampling occurred every two months from February 2014 to December 2015 at the Camargos and Itutinga hydropower dams, located in the upper Paraná River basin, using hooks baited with earthworm and cow heart. We used generalized linear models to test the influence of dam, bait type, dam outflow discharge, water temperature, transparency, and dissolved oxygen on mandi abundance, calculated as catch per unit effort. Results Most mandi (73%) were caught using earthworms but catch per unit effort of mandi for both baits showed the same pattern of seasonal variation at each dam. At both dams, individuals of mandi sampled using earthworms were smaller than those sampled using cow heart, and water temperature was the only environmental variable significantly associated with the catch per unit effort of mandi. Conclusions Both baits are efficient to monitor seasonal variations in mandi abundance, which is influenced by water temperature. Monitoring the abundance of mandi in the tailrace can help minimizing fish mortality by scheduling risky turbine procedures for periods of lower mandi abundance.
Keywords: fish sampling, lure preference, fish mortality, turbine procedure
Language(s): English
Language(s): 2025-01-02 22:32:35