Acessos: 48

Felipe Pinho de Oliveira, Agostinho Lopes de Souza, Elpídio Inácio Fernandes Filho

Volume: 24 - Issue: 2

Resumo. Myracrodruon urundeuva Fr.All. forest species is scientifically recognized by the set of ecological and utilitarian features that characterize it as a “noble” species of the Brazilian flora. Although the species has appeared since 1992, until the present dayit has been in the list of species of the endangered Brazilian flora, the same behavior manifests monodominant behavior in some regions of Minas Gerais state, especially in the central Rio Doce area. Many studies have been conducted in order to describe and understand monodominated tropical forests. However, there is not so much information that clarifies the structure of forest fragments mono-dominated by Myracrodruon urundeuva . In this context, this study aimed to: a) characterize parameters through floristic, phytosociological and parametric to the monodominance of Myracrodruon urundeuva in in the city of Tumiritinga, MG; b) estimate the biomass and carbon stocks accumulated in these environments; c) characterize the stage of regeneration of forest fragments mono- dominated by aroeira in Tumiritinga, in MG state based on the resolution 392 from CONAMA; d) evaluate the correlation between canopy cover and stage of regeneration in fragmentes mono-dominated by aroeira. We randomly sampled 16 plots of400m² around the city of Tumiritinga, representing 6.400m² of “Aroeirais” that were sampled. The diversity analysis of the mono-dominated fragments that were studied showed Shannon-Weaver index equal to 0.25. Myracrodruon urundeuva represented 96% of the 678 sampled individuals, 96% of total basal area measured and 96% of the total volume stored in the inventory plots. In addition to the species Myracrodruon urundeuva , the floristic study showed only 10 other forest species representing even plant families. The estimates of aroeira biomass reached the average value of 81 m 3 .ha -1 of wood volume, 62.8 MgB.Ha -1 , 35.2 MgC.ha -1 and 129.1 MgCO 2 .ha -1 . The fragments mono-dominated by aroeira in Tumiritinga were characterized according to CONAMA 392 and the coverage analysis canopy as in the intermediate stage of regeneration. The aroeirais are monodominant in the region of the central Rio Doce area and it is necessary to carry out studies aiming to carry out the sustainable management of these fragments.

Idioma: Portuguese

Registro: 2024-07-05 19:37:29