Transformação da paisagem e o uso dos recursos florestais na agricultura familiar: um estudo de caso em área de Mata Atlântica - (2011)

Acessos: 19

Gisele Garcia Alarcon, Daiane Soares Caporal, Angela da Veiga Beltrame, Karen Follador Karam

Volume: 21 - Issue: 2

Resumo. The municipality of São Bonifácio is located in the eastern mountain region of Santa Catarina, in the Atlantic Forest biome. Agriculture and dairy farming, carried out on small properties constitute the main economic activity, which is responsible for ensuring work for the majority of the population. This study aims to evaluate the relation between small agriculturists and landscape forest resources. The incentive toward productive activities that do not highly value the native forest, associated with the absence of public policies for forest management of native species, were determinants for the reduction of forested areas in São Bonifácio over the last 5 (five) decades.

Idioma: Portuguese

Registro: 2024-07-05 19:37:38