Anarriê, Alavantu": Folkcomunicacionation performances promoters Local Development in "Quadrilha Junina" Tradition – Recife, PE - (2017)

Acessos: 51

Giselle Gomes da Silva Prazeres Souza, Ítalo Rômany de Carvalho Andrade, Severino Alves De Lucena Filho, Suelly Maux

Volume: 15 - Issue: 34

Resumo. Anarriê, Alavantu! During the month of June, the Northeastern people celebrate the popular festivities dedicated to the saints of June, to the sound of much forró. The gang became the typical dance of the party, where several couples shout, intertwine between tapes and hands, like the Junina Tradition, from Morro da Conceição, on the outskirts of Recife, Pernambuco. However, the gang members of this group use dance not only as fun, but as a space of struggle, resistance, and prejudice. Within this context, the work analyzes the folkcomunicacional performances in the JuninaTradição, that are constructors of the local development, in the social and political scope, according to the obtained results. It is a study from the perspective of Folkcommunication, in which documental analysis and semistructured interview were used.

Keywords: performance, folkcomunication, local development, culture

Idioma: Portuguese

Registro: 2024-08-17 14:53:25
