Narrativas da cidade e folk-ativismo no rádio em Sobral (CE) - (2017)
Acessos: 50
Claudiene dos Santos Costa, Silvia Helena Belmino
Volume: 15 - Issue: 35
The article aims to analyze the radio program "Saturday of all manners", broadcast in Sobral, in the northern part of Ceará. Using content analysis (Bardin, 2011) of the program, we see how it narrates the city, its daily life and memory. Its humorous format presents elements of popular culture historically linked to the state, which allows us to characterize it as folkmídia (Fernandes, 2011) and by the performance of its idealizer and presenter, among other characteristics, as a communicator who reorganizes media narratives for popular groups, we locate the broadcaster as media activist of the folk-communication system, according to
Beltrão (1971), Marques de Melo (2013) and Trigueiro (2013) concepts.
Keywords: city, folkcommunication, folk-activism, sobral
Idioma: Portuguese
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