Apropriação midiática das mediações culturais religiosas: A fé popular na capa da revista Salmos & Anjos - (2019)
Acessos: 41
Mara Fernanda De Santi
Volume: 17 - Issue: 39
The cultural exchanges resulting from religion are a strong link among social subjects and permeate relations across the most different levels of society, regardless economic status, political preference, age, or gender. This article aims at investigate how the monthly national circulation Salmos & Anjos magazine appropriates symbolic and textual elements of popular Catholicism and reproduces them in their covers, and if preserving the information meaning and ensuring its reception. The research will focus on Jesús Martín-Barbero's (1997) and José Luiz Braga's (2012) central ideas on mediation and mediatization, respectively. Furthermore, it will study the culture vision as an interaction of social practices proposed by Stuart Hall's cultural studies (1980) and Luiz Beltrão's (1965) Folkcomunicação concept, which is closely related to popular religious mediations.
Keywords: folk communication. mediations, media, popular culture, religion
Idioma: Portuguese
Registro: 2024-08-17 14:53:22