Marca Paixão de Cristo de nova Jerusalém: uma análise na perspectiva do Folkmarketing e desenvolvimento local em Fazenda Nova/PE - (2017)

Acessos: 42

Simone Maria da Conceição, Severino Alves de Lucena Filho

Volume: 15 - Issue: 35

Resumo. Folkmarketing becomes extremely current when it comes to market-oriented marketing and horizontal marketing because it aims to communicate and satisfy consumers' needs and desires through the use of appropriations of popular culture. The article proposes to present the results of the analysis of the brand New Passion of Christ as a folkmarketing strategy for the local development of Fazenda Nova, Brejo district of Madre de Deus, Pernambuco. For this, bibliographical, documentary and field researches are used, qualitative method in semistructured questionnaire and studies based on authors such as Luiz Beltrão, Severino Lucena, Daniel Galindo and Paulo de Jesus. The results present the strategies of Folkmarketing as a great differential in marketing communication in front of the promotion of the local culture, potentializing the economy and contributing to the Local Development process.

Keywords: folkmarketing, passion of christ, marketing communication, local development

Idioma: Portuguese

Registro: 2024-08-17 14:53:22
