Folkcomunicação e a experiência audiovisual na aldeia kaingaing - (2017)
Acessos: 45
Cristóvão Domingos Almeida, Antonio Iraildo Alves Brito, Joel Felipe Guindani
Volume: 15 - Issue: 35
This article discusses the importance of technology for recording indigenous memory and
culture. It is the fruit of an experience with the Kaingang tribe, located in the city of Nonoai,
northern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. It is based on the theory of
Folkcommunication, having technical support as audiovisual. It starts from the assumption
that the “índios” can be protagonism of his history, as well as is able to "say his word" (FREIRE,
2011). It emphasizes, based on registration and observation in loco, the relationship between
the quotidian in the village and the formation of bonds between its peers. It is observed that
folk communication and audiovisual experience help in the visibility of social spaces,
territories, cultures, especially in the demands of the voiceless and invisible subjects in the
media spheres.
Keywords: folkcommunication, audiovisual, indigenous, memory
Language(s): Portuguese
Language(s): 2024-08-17 14:53:22