Folkcomunicação e turismo cultural na Festa do Guaraná de Maués (AM) - (2019)

Acessos: 40

Ivânia Vieira, Mônica Cybelle Ferreira de Figueiredo

Volume: 17 - Issue: 38

Abstract. Guaraná Festival is held annually in Maués, Amazonas, North Brazil. It triggers a series of elements of the Amazonian cultures, as well as traditions and beliefs to be combined into a singular spectacle. In this paper, aspects of indigenous culture, popular culture, religiosity, beliefs and the impacts of tourism and also the market are discussed as the notions of Folkcommunication, Folkmarketing and Complexity which has the idea and / or proposal of the popular festival as one of the instruments of promotion and regional development.

Keywords: guaraná festval, folkcommunication, development, amazônia

Language(s): Portuguese

Language(s): 2024-08-17 14:53:22
