A multilevel hypernetworks approach to assess coordination and communication in player interactions in sports teams as co-evolutionary networks - (2020)

Acessos: 54

João Ribeiro, Júlio Garganta, Keith Davids, Daniel Barreira

Volume: 14 - Issue: 5

Resumo. BACKGROUND: This paper presents an introduction and brief appraisal of the use of hyper networks metrics and its potential practical application in examining team dynamics' coordination patterns collective sports. AIM: Throughout their critique piece, we highlighted that game analysis, including the hyper network concept, may help overcome the limitations of previous tools such as social network measures. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: While the social network analysis generally considers only dyadic interactions (e.g., between two players), the hyper networks also take into account a multidimensional perspective, including both player level and team level communication and coordination. We also evidenced that new studies using hyper network metrics are required in a range of team sports, mainly using data gathered from official competition matches.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2023-10-11 16:07:35

