Physical activity and sedentary behavior adaptability to COVID-19 social and mobility constraints: a follow-up study in Ilhéus – Bahia/Brazil - (2021)
Acessos: 51
Marcos R. T. P. Menuchi, Alberto B. Kruschewsky, David Ohara, Marcelo O. Honda, Marco A. Avila, Peolla P. Stein, Duarte Araújo
Volume: 15 - Issue: 1
BACKGROUND: The COVID19 Pandemic has impacted human behavior worldwide. Restrictive circulation, working and staying at home, and limitations on outdoor leisure time may have changed people’s physical activity level, stimulating sedentary behavior.
AIM: To examine changes in physical activity levels and use of urban space for leisure during quarantine in the municipality of Ilhéus / BA – Brazil.
METHOD: Thirty-nine (53.8% of men) residents from Ilhéus answered an online questionnaire before (pre-pandemic) and during (post-pandemic) the adoption of social distancing. Physical activity level (IPAQ survey) and places for leisure physical activity were determined by using the GIS technique.
RESULTS: Significant decrease in occupational (-68%) and transportation (-71%) time was found. An increase in physical activity at home (152%) was observed. The average distance from house to leisure physical activity space decreased 74%, and time in sedentary behavior has increased only for men on weekdays (35%).
CONCLUSION: Even without difference between the total amount of physical activity before and during COVID19, a significant reallocation in time spent in occupational, transportation, household, and space of leisure-time physical activity could indicate demands and adaptations occurred during the study period.
Idioma: English
Registro: 2023-10-11 15:29:34