Proactive control to navigate our daily environments - (2022)
Acessos: 83
Bradford McFadyen, Anouk Lamontagne, Olivier Anne-Helene, Julien Pettré, Michael Cinelli, Fabio A. Barbieri
Volume: 16 - Issue: 5
Safely navigating our environment is crucial to daily living, but the study of locomotor navigational control in relation to the complex interaction of personal and environmental factors is still in its infancy. Work to now has proposed different proactive control variables for collision avoidance based on visual information. Such control has more recently been shown to be specific to personal (e.g., age, neurological diseases) and environmental (e.g., obstacle type) characteristics. Continued study of the complex person-environment interaction is required along with continued theorization on combined proactive and reactive control factors.
Idioma: English
Registro: 2023-10-11 15:18:38