Manipulation of task constraints on throwing of amateur handball athletes - (2021)
Acessos: 43
Gabriel A. Ribeiro, Pedro H. B. F. Spinola, Helga T. Tucci, Raquel P. Carvalho
Volume: 15 - Issue: 2
BACKGROUND: In handball, speed and accuracy are essential characteristics for the performance of throwing.
AIM: To verify the effects of manipulation of task constraints during the throws on kinematic variables in amateur handball players.
METHOD: 18 amateur handball players (18-27 years) made 10 throws to the target with a focus on speed and 10 throws with a focus on accuracy. The kinematic analysis of the throwing was performed, and the Student's t-test was used.
RESULTS: Greater velocity, and hand, acromion, and iliac spines trajectories for throws with a focus on speed in cocking phase was observed. During the acceleration phase, there was greater velocity, and trajectory of the right upper posterior iliac spine, and less time and hand, acromion, and left upper posterior iliac spines trajectories for throws with a focus on speed. The throw with a focus on speed showed greater shoulder and elbow angles at the beginning, and greater elbow angle at the end of throwing.
CONCLUSION: The manipulation in the focus of the throw influenced the movement strategy from the cocking phase to the acceleration phase according to the movement intentionality, with most of the variables presenting greater values in the throw with a focus on speed.
Idioma: English
Registro: 2023-10-11 15:28:10