Gaze behavior data in the vitrine of human movement science: considerations on eye-tracking technique - (2023)

Acessos: 70

Tiago Penedo, Sérgio T. Rodrigues, Gisele C. Gotardi, Lucas Simieli, José A. Barela, Paula F. Polastri, Fabio A. Barbieri

Volume: 17 - Issue: 4

Resumo. Background: The eyes are the main gateway of visual information input. Moving the eyes is essential to extract visual information from scenes while performing motor actions. This has helped to explain motor behavior, especially in relation to visual attention mechanisms, gaze training and learning, and the relevance of visual information in controlling actions. Thus, collecting data on gaze behavior has become important for explaining motor behavior. Aim: We present the main video-based eye-tracking techniques, briefly describing the anatomy of the eyes, explaining the operation of the eye-tracker (eye capture techniques, calibration, and data analysis), and proposing interpretations of the main variables extracted by the technique. In this way, we carry out considerations (limitations and advantages) on the eye-tracking technique that placed gaze behavior data in the vitrine of human movement science. Interpretation: Eye-tracking has become an excellent tool to assist in the analysis of human movement through gaze behavior. Mainly by combining sensory information, such as visual information, with performance during motor tasks, it is possible to infer about perception, cognition, and human behavior during the most diverse day-to-day activities. Eye-tracker systems have been employed in different majors related to motor behavior, such as medicine, commerce, and game development.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2023-10-11 15:07:36
