string(32) "f8414386477e93018de00d7b596c5b1b" SciJoIn | Scientific Journal Index
Use of saline solution (NaCl) in the DNA extraction from hair bulbs - (2010)

Acessos: 13

Giovana Regina Weber

Volume: 10 - Issue: 2

Resumo. The extraction of total DNA from hair bulbs enables a wide range of research and applications, and allow the sending of samples to away and be used in Forensic Medicine, being a non-invasive sampling method. It is necessary the search for methods of DNA extraction that are fast, inexpensive, free of contaminants and toxicity. The purpose ofthis study was to evaluate the quantity and quality of DNA extracted from hair bulbs from two extraction methods,one using phenol/chloroform, and another, a saline solution. To test the efficiency of extraction were used 30 samplesof hair bulbs, and the products of the extractions were amplified using β-actin gene. All 30 samples obtained positiveresults with respect to extraction using NaCl solution. These results, when compared to extractions with phenol/chloroform, showed no observable differences.

Keywords: Hair follicle, DNA extraction, Sodium Chloride, Phenol.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:35
