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Physical activity, eating habits level and anthropometric indicators of the universidade do oeste de Santa Catarina employees - (2011)

Acessos: 13

Gracielle Fin ;, Elisabeth Baretta, Rudy José Nodari Júnior

Volume: 11 - Issue: 2

Resumo. The relationship between habitual physical activity’s levels and balanced nutrition are factors involved in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In this context, we aimed for identifying the level of physical activity and eating habits, associating them to the anthropometric indicators, of employees at the Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - Unoesc, campus Joaçaba (SC). The sample consisted of 133 individuals who accomplish a workload of 44 hours characteristicseating habits and physical activity level, and BMI anthropometric data and waist circumference as well. Theresults showed that 69.9% of individuals are physically active and have a BMI of 24.5 kg / m (± 3.8), a figure thatshows an acceptable standard of weight related to height. Looking at the waist girth, it is clear that both men andwomen, on average, were classified as normal, corresponding to values of 90.4 cm (± 11.3) and 77.3 (± 9.2). Whencalculating the score for food eating habits identification, it was found an average of 40.9 (± 15.6) points. Therewas no significant association between the variables of BMI and physical activity level (p = 0.838) and betweenwaist circumference and physical activity level (p = 0.754) of the individuals investigated. Values are shown as closeto normal, both in active individuals as insufficiently active. Likewise, no significant association between dietaryscore and anthropometric indexes BMI (p = 0.399) and waist circumference (p = 0.350).

Keywords: Physical Activity. Eating Habits. Employees.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:35
