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Epidemiology of accidents by snakes in the city of Concórdia, SC in the period 2007 to 2010 - (2011)

Acessos: 12

Fernanda Maurer D’Agostini, Flávia Bernardo Chagas, Vilma Beltrame

Volume: 11 - Issue: 1

Resumo. Brazil has a rich serpent fauna, with 366 known species; the country’s venomous snakes belong to twofamilies: Viperidae and Elapidae. This paper’s objective is to evaluate epidemiological aspects of snakerelated accidents in the municipality of Concórdia, SC with data from the Sistema de Informação deAgravos de Notificação (SINAN) that was informed to the Municipal State Secretary. The epidemiologicalprofile of the accidents that occurred from 2007 to 2010 shows that 52 accidents were caused by venomousand non-venomous snakes, of which 38 cases (73.07%) were identified as bothropic accidents; in theseasonality aspect, November to March had the highest incidence; most patients were male (67.32%);the most affected age group was of those in their fifth decade (15.39%); 50% of patients were seen in lessthan an hour; the most affected anatomical regions were the lower limbs (73.07%); most patients wereregistered as agriculturists (44.24%). The ophidian accidents that occurred allow us to diagnose the needto disseminate information because, although these are not accidents of the highest incidence, they arenot always correctly notified by the health units, given that the population usually adheres to empiricaltreatments and also that research concerning the ophidian regional fauna is scarce.

Keywords: Snakes, Notification, Epidemiological profile, SINAN, Concórdia. SC.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:35
