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Phrynops williamsi record in the Chapecó river, West of Santa Catarina, Brasil - (2011)

Acessos: 13

Edson Fernando Spier, Mario Arthur Favreto, Osvaldo Onghero Junior, Carlos Piovezan

Volume: 11 - Issue: 1

Resumo. The species Phrynops williamsi has been recorded for the Uruguai and Pelotas rivers, however thesedata are insufficient for the knowledge of their ecology and real geographic distribution. In this paper ispresented a new record of P. williamsi for the Chapecó river, a tributary of Uruguai river in West of SantaCatarina, thus generating more information on the biogeography of this species.

Keywords: Phrynops williamsi, Distribution, Santa Catarina.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:35
