string(32) "353e212776b1f0f278b367a695351865" SciJoIn | Scientific Journal Index
Characteristics of Local Production Arrangements: the Case of Wine in the Vale do Rio do Peixe - (2012)

Acessos: 13

Vilmar Nogueira Duarte

Volume: 12 - Issue: 2

Resumo. This article aimed to characterize the cluster of wine from the Region of Vale do Rio do Peixe, SantaCatarina in the Midwest, with a view to identifying its structure end current stage of development. Thework was carried out through a descriptive study based on the approach proposed by Esser et al (1994)and Stamer et al (1997), in which one set of producers is analyzed before the micro, meso, and macro goal.The study show that APLs is not structured to contribute to the sustainable development of the Region,characterized as a regional concentration of companies targeting the same segment products (wine, juicesand other products), in which individual actions prevail the detriment of cooperation and collective learning.It concludes that while the Region meets all the characteristics necessary for the full development of the wineindustry, the low level of inter-company relationship, as well as the absence of a regional brand that identifiesthe source territory the product has been crucial to the competitiveness of cluster.

Keywords: Characteristics of APLs. Wine. Vale do Rio do Peixe.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2024-08-21 21:25:35
