Geographical distribution of Tabanomorpha (Diptera, Brachycera): Athericidae, Rhagionidae, Vermileonidae, and small families - (2008)
Acessos: 77
Charles Morphy Dias Santos
Volume: 1 - Issue: 3
The infraorder Tabanomorpha traditionally includes the families Tabanidae, Athericidae, Rhagionidae, and Vermileonidae. The new family Oreoleptidae was placed among the tabanomorphan, as well as some controversial groups as Austroleptidae and Spaniidae, but there is no agreement on the phylogenetic relationships of the groups considered as belonging to the infraorder. Here is presented the geographical distribution of the following tabanomorphan families: Rhagionidae, Vermileonidae, Athericidae, Austroleptidae and Oreoleptidae. Every historical biogeographical analysis depends on up-to-dated distributional information, and, hence, reliable lists of distribution are a starting point to a broad comprehension of the evolution in space.
Keywords: Biogeographical regions, Diptera, geographical distribution, Tabanomorpha
Idioma: English
Registro: 2024-08-17 14:43:54