A List of Current Valid Blow Fly Names (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in the Americas South of Mexico with Key to the Brazilian Species - (2013)
Acessos: 68
Cecília Kosmann, Rubens Pinto de Mello, Érica Sevilha Harterreiten-Souza, José Roberto Pujol-Luz
Volume: 6 - Issue: 1
The calliphorids flies comprise a heterogenous family found in all zoogeographical regions, with over 1,000 species and 150 genera described. The blow flies have a great medical and veterinary importance, and can be use in forensic science, especially in order to estimate the postmortem interval. Despite its wide distribution and importance, the group presents many taxonomic problems, and many conflicting records regarding the number of species in the Neotropical Region. In this paper, we list all species of Calliphoridae found in the Americas south of Mexico, based on reports in the literature between the years 1960 and 2012. There are 29 genera and 99 species recognized distributed in seven subfamilies: Calliphorinae (three genera and eight species), Chrysomyinae (seven genera and 28 species), Luciliinae (one genus and 17 species), Mesembrinellinae (nine genera and 33 species), Polleniinae (one genus and one species), Rhiniinae (one genus and one species), and Toxotarsinae (seven genera and 11 species). An identification key for the species that occur in Brazil is presented.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Bluebottles, Checklist, Neotropical Region, Taxonomy
Idioma: English
Registro: 2024-08-17 14:43:54