Longevity, fertility, and average eggs viability of parthenogenetic females of Cladomorphus phyllinus Gray (Phasmatodea - Phasmatidae) - (2022)

Acessos: 75

Lucas da Silva Torres, Hugo Alejandro Benítez, Jane Costa

Volume: 15 - Issue: 0

Resumo. The order Phasmatodea includes insects known as stick insects. In Brazil, few taxonomic, ecological or evolutionary studies have been published in recent years, the reason is related to the few number of researchers dedicated to this particular group. Cladomorphus phyllinus Gray is one of the largest Brazilian insects and perhaps one of the most studied species of Phasmatodea in the country. It is considered as a phytophagous, generalist, and feeds mainly on guava leaves (Psidium guajava), powder-puff (Calliandra sp.) or Angico (Piptania sp.). Females of this species reproduce in a sexual and asexual manner, by the production of diploid daughters from unfertilized eggs (thelytokous parthenogenesis). The absence of records on the reproductive capacity of virgin parthenogenetic females of C. phyllinus led us to record the longevity, fertility, and eggs viability of ten specimens. The results obtained were compared to those found in the scientific literature for mated females of the same species. The fertility and eggs viability were observed to be much lower for the parthenogenetic females when compared to the mated females; however, the longevity for virgin females was longer than that recorded in the literature for mated females.

Idioma: English

Registro: 2023-10-11 21:22:36

