Qualidade de chapas de partículas de Pinus elliottii coladas com resina poliuretana sob diferentes combinações de pressão e temperatura - (2011)
Acessos: 20
Juarez Benigno Paes, Shirley Tavares Nunes, Francisco Antônio Rocco Lahr, Maria de Fátima Nascimento, Roberta Maria de Albuquerque Lacerda
Volume: 21 - Issue: 3
This work aimed to produce homogeneous layer particle boards with residues of Pinus elliottii wood adhered with polyurethane adhesive to castor oil plant base and to evaluate the effect of the combination of pressure and temperature in the quality of the particle boards produced. To do so, 12 particle boards were manufactured, subdivided into four treatments in function of the pressure (2.0; 3.0; 3.5; and 3.5 MPa) and temperature (90; 90; 50; and 60 ºC). The particleboards were sectioned in test samples, and accomplished by physical-mechanical tests for the determination of density, swelling and absorption of water (0-2h;
2-24h; and 0-24h); rupture module and elasticity module in static bending, internal ligation and screw withdrawal. The particle boards pressed with pressure of 3.0 MPa and temperature of 90 ºC and that with pressure of 3.5 MPa and temperature of 60 ºC presented the best results. The temperature of pressing was the predominant variable in the quality of those particle boards manufactured.
Idioma: Portuguese
Registro: 2024-07-05 19:37:38