Criptomoedas, Cyber-Folkcomunicação e Endemismo - (2017)
Acessos: 35
André Torres, Andrea Ferraz Fernandez
Volume: 15 - Issue: 34
The present article aims to deepen the understanding about the endemism of cyberspace and the culture manifested in such environment. Secondly, it aims to distinguish conventional folkcommunicative practice from that originated within cyberspace. Exploratory research was used, based on the hypothetical-deductive approach, and the bibliographic review was used to collect the data and later analyze it. Through the relationship with Folkcommunication, cryptocurrencies were identified as endemic expressions of cyberspace - EEoC. A distinctionwas also made between traditional folkcommunication, when considering cyberspace as an ecosystem, and therefore generator and bearer of a culture of its own.
Keywords: digital culture, endemism of cyberspace, cyber-folkcommunication, cryptocurrency. blockchain
Idioma: Portuguese
Registro: 2024-08-17 14:53:25