Folkcomunicação e desenvolvimento local: experiências investigativas - (2017)

Acessos: 53

Andréa Karinne Albuquerque Maia

Volume: 15 - Issue: 35

Resumo. The book "Folkcommunication and new scope of Local Development", published by Editora Ideia, from João Pessoa, in 2017, was organized by researchers Severino Alves de Lucena Filho, Suelly Maux, Andréa Karinne Albuquerque and Júnia Martins, from Pesisa de Estudos em Folkcomunicações (Folkcom Network) .2 This is a collection that brings together 14 researched articles, professors and students from UFPB, UFRN and UFRPE, who are dedicated to research in the area of Folkcommunication, from different perspectives.

Keywords: review, book, folkcomunication

Idioma: Portuguese

Registro: 2024-08-17 14:53:22
