Folkmarketing aplicado ao B2B: Uma estratégia de relacionamento - (2017)

Acessos: 33

Thainá Yukari Kusuki de Campos, Míriam Cristina Carlos Silva, Thífani Postali

Volume: 15 - Issue: 35

Resumo. This paper encompass the concepts and definitions of the B2B (business-to-business) segment and its relationship with folkmarketing as a relationship and approach strategy with the customer. In order to understand the possible convergences between the segment and the strategy, were used a bibliographical research and an applied qualitative research with sales professionals working in B2B. The results provided an understanding of a possible approach carried out by professionals in the B2B segment, pointing to the fact that in many situations these seek to know and adapt to the different regional cultures of their clients as a relationship strategy, characterizing possible actions of folkmarketing.

Keywords: marketing, marketing of relationship, b2b, folkmarketing, popular culture

Idioma: Portuguese

Registro: 2024-08-17 14:53:22
