O carnaval como manifestação popular: Um paralelo entre a concepção beltraniana de carnaval em Recife e Olinda e o surgimento do carnaval carioca - (2019)
Acessos: 47
Rubens Lopes Junior
Volume: 17 - Issue: 39
Luiz Beltrão, considered the father of folkcommunication, analyzed in his trajectory diverse forms of popular communication, from ex-votos until the carnival, mainly in Recife and Olinda. Considering that carnival has become a "Brazilian product" mainly related to Rio de Janeiro - although the carnival has European origin - this article draws a parallel between Beltrão's considerations about the carnival in the Northeast and the characteristics of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro through a socio-historical approach, explaining the origin of some forms of carnival manifestations that ended up becoming the embryo of the contemporary carnival.
Keywords: carnival, beltrão, recife, olinda, rio de janeiro
Language(s): Portuguese
Language(s): 2024-08-17 14:53:22