O samba, sua tradição e a transposição para o público infantojuvenil: Análise de As Aventuras de Poliana (SBT) pela perspectiva da folkcomunicação - (2019)

Acessos: 42

João Paulo Hergesel, Jéssica de Almeida Batisda Raszl

Volume: 17 - Issue: 39

Resumo. Samba, characterized as a folkcommunication process, perpetuates a tradition and configures itself as a mark of Brazilian cultural identity. Samba-derived narratives, however, have advanced to the field of media narratives, being replicated and popularized by various media and platforms, such as television. In a contemporary context, we can see the aforementioned musical genre in telenovelas for children and pre-teens, such as As Aventuras de Poliana (SBT). This article aims to understand samba as a phenomenon of tradition and its transposition to the infant-juvenile audience, from a narrative and stylistic analysis based on melodramatic syntax. Finally, it can be seen that young people have been having easy contact with the music genre, preserving the national memory and breaking the contemporary paradigms of the recording industry.

Keywords: folkcommunication, audiovisual communication, serial fiction, media narratives, samba

Idioma: Portuguese

Registro: 2024-08-17 14:53:22

